Stop chasing your dreams and finally achieve them! 

There is NOTHING like the adrenaline rush of a new PR!


About Prana Endurance Training & Coach Frank

And the great news is - that elusive PR is totally attainable… with the right training! 

But you’ve gotta put in the work, and you’ve got to have a plan to make it all happen. And not just some generic, download off of the internet - a plan made specifically for you and your goals!

You train and you train and you train (in fact… you’re probably training TOO MUCH!)

You spend hours away from your friends and family, out on the trail

You hop from injury to injury just trying to get through to the next training session


I know how frustrating it is to be chasing those PRs and falling short every time or getting injured along the way.  

I know, cause it’s happened to me. There was a time when every race that I did, I would come in just  a little over my goal. And, I would have pushed myself so hard (and, now I understand, not trained properly) that I would finish the race, feeling defeated and then end up in the medical tent because I’d pushed too hard!



But then I learned about proper training and customizing my training to my body and my life and my goals and EVERYTHING changed! 

And now that’s what I do - I help runners just like you (or just like the runner I used to be 😝) follow a training system that is created just for you so that you can: 

Not only train smarter and avoid all those nasty injuries

But… FINALLY hit those PRs and feel great doing it! 


There I was, literally on the side of the road puking after running the Colorado marathon and missing my goal by 30 seconds. 30 freakin’ seconds! 

And at that moment, on the side of the road, I knew I had to bring some personalization and actual strategy to my training AND to my racing.

Triathlon Coaching

I got super obsessed with learning how to create a personalized training program so I wouldn’t see a repeat of the agony of the Colorado Marathon. 

At the same time, I was very involved in the local running community and as I started testing out my new training styles and programs on myself - everybody else started to notice! Before I knew it, people were asking me to build out training plans for them and just like that I became a running coach! 

(And, well, because I’m me and I love to learn and analyze and think about how to do things the very best that I can… I took a bunch of classes on training and anatomy and physiology to gain accreditation’s from USA Triathlon, Training Peaks (level 2), Road Runners Club of America & Stryd.) 

Now I coach athletes all over the world, from the U.S. to Nicaragua to Lebanon!

As for me… 

Back in 2016 my beautiful wife, Ashley and I quit the corporate grind in San Francisco and moved to Mexico.

Ashley was actually the one that encouraged me to follow my passion and move to coaching full time so all of our athletes can really thank her for those PR’s! :) 

I’m bilingual - English & Spanish y estoy feliz para hablar cualquier idioma que prefieres ;) 

I make a hell of a margarita!


 So, if you’re ready:

  • To get more strategic with your training (so you can quit wasting so much time!)

  • To avoid those all too common overuse injuries

  • To actually start having a good time both while you’re training AND while you’re racing

  • AND Finally get that elusive PR with a smile on your face 

… then you’re in the right place! Let’s work together to help you make it happen!